A collection of personal accounts, stories, etc.
“Behind the Scenes at AM”
written by Buttcape, a former moderator of the Houston Lolita Community. Her experiences reveal sexual harassment from John Leigh, and his attempts to control and exploit the Houston community.
Chokelate Shares Her Experiences with Anime Matsuri
Lockshop owner Chokelate shares her recent experiences with Anime Matsuri and the Leighs. Her blog post includes screenshots showing sexual harassment from John Leigh.
Statement from The Lolita Collective
[…] The Lolita Collective, in keeping with our anti-bullying and anti-harassment policy, do not support the actions of John Leigh and Deneice Leigh. We regard John Leigh’s behavior as inappropriate and unprofessional. His disregard for guests, attendees, and staff is an embarrassment. As the experiences of other lolitas with Anime Matsuri come to light, we felt it necessary to show our support of this petition. […]
Tweets from Minori Saying She Will Not Work With AM Again
“I want to work with honest people. There is so much that has happened that I didn’t even know about until now. John, whether you get dismissed or not, I can’t work with you anymore. There’s just so much that has surfaced.”
“I’ve heard stories from many different people. So this is my decision based on that. There are two sides to every story, so it doesn’t mean that one side is completely in the wrong. I can’t really explain how I feel.” (Translation via animematsuriexpose)
Statement from KA Cadney
JLA kawaii ambassador Cadney explains the problems with the USA Kawaii Ambassador selection process and JLA Summit.
Canadian KA Cadney Resigns
[…]But for me, continuing to work with the JLA even after what happened with Anime Matsuri doesn’t feel right in my heart […]
Indie Lolita Brand Pop Princess Shares their Experience with AM’s AA
After the first terse and unprofessional reply, Deneice and John decided to change the rules after her table purchase to ban indie designers from selling anything larger than accessories to minimize the competition to the Japanese brands in the Dealer’s Room. Annika’s request for a refund was denied until she threatened to go through Paypal for breach of contract. (via animematsuriexpose)
Guest Yugene Fay Imprisoned for 3 Days at US Customs
Due to a problem with her Visa, and not being able to provide proof of where she was going, a guest was jailed for three days and had to pay her own way home. (via twitter)
Guest Baby The Stars Shine Bright Confirms Merchandise Theft
Japanese brand Baby The Stars Shine Bright confirms via email that Anime Matsuri stole merchandise from them. (via Buttcape’s Blog)
Chokelate deleted her blog post, but you can still find it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20151224232434/http://assortedchokelates.blogspot.de/2015/06/my-experience-with-anime-matsuri-and.html
You may want to update that link.